Reading to Rise: A Curated Library for Women Leaders

Embark on a literary journey tailored to empower female leadership. Dive into these must-read books that will transform your mindset and equip you with the confidence to master the art of refining your leadership style. As a woman in leadership, this list-style article will uplift and inspire you to be the boss that other females will look up to.


Women’s Leadership Books

Let’s delve into the world of female empowerment, from new releases to world-class sellers:


  1. She Thinks Like a Boss: Leadership


If you are new to leadership, lacking in self-confidence, and want to know how to manage your team more effectively, then She Thinks Like a Boss is the book for you. This book will provide you with 9 essential skills for new female leaders in the workplace to help you communicate effectively and combat the imposter syndrome you are undoubtedly feeling. Jemma Roedel is a highly acclaimed UK author who continues to strive for a brighter future for women in business. This breakthrough book has inspired female readers to foster their self-confidence and be the boss they know they can be.


  1. The Most Powerful Woman in the Room is You


The Most Powerful Woman in the Room is You is an essential read for any woman who desires to embrace their inner power, command the attention of any room, and make successful sales. The author, Lydia Fenet, is one of Gotham magazine’s Most Influential Women in New York; she knows firsthand what it takes to be the most powerful woman in any room. Lydia encourages businesswomen to own their leadership positions and claim their seats at the table – this book will ensure that that woman is you.


  1. Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts 


Brené Brown, author of the #1 New York Times bestselling book Dare to Lead, has shown women how to empower themselves to become successful leaders. This book is designed for those willing to use their leadership potential to challenge others, ask difficult but essential questions, and inspire others to voice their ideas. Being a leader takes courage to accept accountability for their decision and recognise the potential in those around them. Dare to Lead offers real-life examples of actionable strategies in organisations of all sizes and insight into building the courage to make you a great leader.


  1. Little Black Book: A Toolkit for Working Women


Little Black Book: A Toolkit for Working Women has been described by Stylist as “A compact gem”; this travel-sized handbook is every creative woman’s new best friend in guiding them through building the career they desire. Whether you are new to the business world or have years of experience, this guide will provide fresh ideas and advice to kick-start your self-made career. Otegha Uwagba, the author, is the founder of Women Who, a platform for creative women. She has written this book with her wealth of insights and undeniable wisdom to inspire you to reach your dream career.


  1. The Likeability Trap


Alicia Menendez describes the frustrating bind that all women face in the workplace. Strong-willed women are considered cold, whereas friendly women are seen as weak leaders. The Likeability Trap encourages women to let go of the perception that they need to be likeable and embrace their unique talents and leadership qualities. By inspiring women to be unapologetically themselves, The Likeability Trap is adored by many readers.


  1. Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons


Fewer than 10% of national leaders worldwide are women. Women and Leadership offers 10 critical lessons for women aspiring to be a leader in any capacity. This book explores the lack of gender representation in modern business with insights from powerful women such as Hillary Clinton and Jacinda Ardern. Julia Gillard and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala analyse the experiences of these leaders and share what it is like to be a woman leader in a male-dominated world and what they would do differently if they had the opportunity to.


  1. The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You


In this book by Julie Zhuo, she explains her journey of becoming a leader and the challenges she faced. To equip her readers with all the knowledge and tools they need when they take on a leadership role, Zhuo has offered practical and accessible advice in The Making of a Manager. Whether you are new to your leadership role or want to be better as a manager, this guide can offer you insights, giving you a shortcut to success.


  1. How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back


How Women Rise addresses the challenges most women in leadership roles face around feeling confident in their ideas, voicing them, and asking for support from their boss. This book is for you if you feel this way as a leader. Forbes describes the book as “A great resource to discover the 12 habits that hold women back and how to overcome them.” Marshall Goldsmith and Sally Helgesen are recognised for their leadership skills, and their book allows women to learn the ins and outs of being successful leaders.


  1. Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers


In this edition of Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office, New York Times bestselling author Lois P. Frankel reveals 130 distinctive behaviours girls learn during childhood that ultimately sabotage them in the workplace. This book teaches women how to eliminate the unconscious behaviours holding them back – “Nice girl” mistakes can turn into career pitfalls. This guide will teach you how to be the boss woman you have the potential to be.


  1. Women in Leadership: One Hour to Fix the 5 Mistakes You Are Making


Diana Osagie, the founder of The Academy of Women’s Leadership, is also the author of Women in Leadership. This book introduces 5 easy-to-digest chapters that will transform you into a compassionate and effective leader. Diana has over 20 years of experience working in public-sector leadership, which has led to her developing a platform solely for uplifting women in leadership roles. By providing straightforward advice and tips, whether you are starting your career or wish to develop your leadership skills, Women in Leadership will inspire you to be a successful leader.


Women Leadership FAQ’s


What does it mean to be a woman in leadership?


A female lender tends to inspire creativity and inclusivity in the workplace. They will encourage their team to share ideas and create a strong community. Women leaders promote productivity by creating a positive work environment and empathising with their team members.


Why should women read books on leadership?


Whether you are a new leader or have been a leader for many years, there is always room to learn new leadership skills. Reading success stories of other successful female leaders can inspire productivity and boost self-esteem.

How can a woman be an effective leader?


Women are more than capable of effectively leading their teams. Top tips for female leaders include staying true to yourself; if you believe in yourself, others will, too. Female leaders should demonstrate their strength with compassion and grace and not be afraid to take risks.


Inspiring Women Leaders at AWL


At AWL, we want women to have access to various resources to better their leadership skills. Women face unique challenges in the workplace that generic solutions cannot solve; our academy provides a safe space that allows women to learn from each other and share their challenges. In addition to our Women in Leadership book, we offer training and development courses designed to empower women. As an academy, we offer packages that include a range of masterclasses and personalised coaching from one of our excellent leaders. 


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